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Assess Your Skills and Interests

Watch this short clip from the popular television series Seinfeld.


George and Jerry are friends. George recently quit his job in real estate. Now he needs to think about finding a new job. What kinds of careers does he consider? Do you think his ideas are realistic?

Thinking about skills and interests...

Do what you love and love what you do

As newcomers, we sometimes need to reinvent our career in Canada. There are many considerations when we think about what type of job we want to have. Finding meaningful work that matches your interests and your strengths is important.


Take the quiz below to find out what type of professions match your interests. It will take 15 minutes to complete.



You need a job...So now what?


Most of us need to look for a job at some point in our lives, but sometimes we do not know what kind of job we are looking for. 


You can begin by thinking about your interests, your skills, and your qualifications.

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