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Read about Workplace Culture

Read the article "Canadian Business Culture" from the job search website


Vocabulary in Context
Trying to guess the meaning of new words from the context will not only help you understand the text, it will also improve you reading skills! So put away your dictionary, and try to guess the vocabulary in context.
Look at the bold word in each sentence. Using context clues, guess the part of speech (noun, verb, adjective, etc.), whether the word is positive, negative or neutral, and a possible synonym for this word.
1. Make sure you do not offend a business colleague or dash your chances of securing a deal by learning the basics of Canadian etiquette.
2. In Canada, a person's authority is related to his or her position and responsibility.
3. It is considered very rude to jump the line or go ahead of someone who was there before you.
4. For social invitations, people expect that you will arrive within approximately half an hour of the stated time.
5. Excessive body contact, gestures in greeting, or loud conversation generally are frowned upon.
6. To ease the way into Canadian favour, always be punctual for meetings and appointments.
7. Thoroughness is appreciated and directness is also valued. Evasive answers are not viewed positively by Canadians.
8. Visiting female executives can expect to be taken seriously.
Finished? Go ahead and check if your guesses are correct using a 
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