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Assessment Task: Write a Cover Letter

You will write a cover letter for the job advertisement that you chose in a previous activity.

1. Write your cover letter using a word processor like Miscrosoft Word


2. CUSTOMIZE IT: Use the specific information in your job advertisement, such as the contact information, the job duties, and the necessary qualifications to apply.


3. MAKE IT REAL: Use real information about your skills, experience and interests. Do not include imaginary or hypothetical information. Treat this as a real cover letter that you would write today if you were applying for this position.


4. Save your work.


5. Open your email. Compose a new message to your teacher. Attach your cover letter to this email message, and send it to your teacher for assessment.

Task Instructions
Edit your work before you send it!
Use the self-assessment below:

I used cover letter format

I wrote three paragraphs

I do not have any spacing errors

My tone is formal and professional

I used information from the job ad

I used real information about myself

I did not copy and paste

I customized my letter to the ad



I used capital letters for names of people and places

I  used a capital letter to begin each sentence

I used the correct verb tense

Every sentence has a subject and verb that match

I used conjunctions and transitions to join my ideas effectively

I checked my articles (a/the/no article)

I remembered "s" for plural nouns

I checked my spelling

I used cover letter format

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