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Reading Job Advertisements

The activities above come from the LINC 5-7 Classroom Activities online resource developed for the Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada (LINC) program. To see all of the work-related activities, CLICK HERE.

Now, let's look at some real job advertisements...

In the past, people used to read job advertisements in the newspaper and submit resumes by mail or in-person. Nowadays, most people search through job ads on the internet and apply online.

Go to the following job-search website to look at real job ads.

Imagine you are searching for a job right now

Search the website and find a job advertisement that you could apply for.
Make sure the job advertisement that you find...

is located in Calgary

has a job description with enough details

matches your educational background

matches your work and/or volunteer experience

matches your skills and interests

When you have found a job ad that you like, email the job number to the teacher.

You will be using the job ad that you have chosen to write a cover letter in the next lesson.

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