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Making Polite Requests

Has your boss ever asked you to come to work on your day off or to work overtime?


Have you ever asked an employee or a co-worker to complete a task or to help you out with your job?


Have you ever needed to request time off from work or school?


Watch this short clip from the movie Office Space (1999). What request does the boss make? Is it polite?

Write a Dialogue

Roman is the supervisor in a company. He needs to ask Dina, one of his employees, to work late tonight.


                     Here is how the dialogue begins...




Roman: Hi Dina. Is this an okay time? Can you talk for a moment?

Dina: Uh sure, no problem.

How do you think the dialogue will go?

Finish the conversation on a separate piece of paper.

Listen to the real dialogue.

Compare your dialogue to the audio. What differences do you notice?

Unknown Track - Unknown Artist

Listen to the audio again


  • How do the supervisor and the subordinate address each other? Do they use first names or last names? Do they use titles?

  • Does Roman make the request right away?

  • Why do they talk about the weather?

  • Find the part in the conversation when Roman makes the request. What language or expressions does he use?  

  • What language or expressions does Dina use to respond to the request?

  • What if Dina could not stay late. How could she have politely refused the request?

Grammar Link: modals for polite requests
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